Daily Devotional

A Day To Remember

May 29, 2022


John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.


Many of us think, “Three-day holiday weekend!” and gear up for big sales and backyard barbecues as Memorial Day approaches. But tomorrow is about so much more than a “holiday”. It’s a day of remembrance as we break from our schedules to honor the sacrifice of brave men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces. Those who willingly gave their lives so that coming generations of Americans and countless others worldwide could be free from tyranny and oppression. We are forever grateful!

Jesus said, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Though the vast majority of us will never lay down our lives for others, we are called to live a life of sacrifice, dedicated to freeing others from the tyranny and oppression of sin. How do we do this? We love others as Jesus loves us. We pray for them and we look for opportunities to share the hope that can only be found in Christ – the One who sacrificed Himself for our ultimate freedom.
So, tomorrow, find a few moments to pause and thank our risen Lord for our fallen heroes.


First, re-read John 3:16 and thank God for the freedom He offers us through His Son, Jesus. Second, take time tomorrow — whatever your Memorial Day plans - to pray for the families and loved ones of those who’ve shown us “no greater love than this!”


Lord, Thank You for so loving me that You gave Your Son for my eternal freedom. I pray for all the families of our fallen heroes and give thanks for all who put themselves in harm’s way every day for our safety and security. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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