Daily Devotional

Am I Successful?

June 13, 2023


Colossians 2:9-10 “For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.”


Let's look at this “success concept” using a popular movie as a starting point. Have you ever seen that film where an actor portrays a sports agent driven by success, but his marriage begins to crumble? In one pivotal moment, he desperately looks into his wife's eyes and utters those famous words, "You complete me." It's a heartwarming message that echoes a timeless tale from Greek philosophy.

Now, let's shift gears for a moment. That success-driven protagonist in the movie is on a quest for completion. He longs for something or someone to fill the void within him. Guess what? Two thousand years ago, God himself came to Earth in human form, and the purpose behind his arrival was to offer you completeness in Christ. Through Jesus' authority and power, you have everything you need. Real success, according to the Bible, is not about trying to be someone else or meeting the expectations of others. It's about embracing who God uniquely created you to be and glorifying him. True success is found when you spend your life being the person God designed you to be.

So, as you navigate the journey of life, remember this profound truth: you don't need to seek completion outside of Jesus. In Christ, you already have everything you need to find fulfillment and purpose. Embrace your identity, the person God lovingly crafted you to be; that's where genuine success awaits.


How do you look for success or completion? God has equipped you for success. As you focus on him today, he will guide your paths and fulfill your life.


God, you made in me your image and created me to glorify you. Help me look to you for wisdom and purpose and not the things around me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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