Daily Devotional
Choose your Stance
September 1, 2023
1 Corinthians 16:13 “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.”
When shooting a basketball, you build the shot from the ground up, just like building a house. In this case, the foot position for shooting the ball is your foundation and should be the same for all shots, whether shooting a jumper, a free throw or a three-pointer. A proper stance ensures a higher point percentage.
The same is true in our lives. We control our stance on righteousness and integrity. We have no power to control the beliefs and actions of other people. We cannot control the downfall of morals in our society. Our only hope in fighting this battle of good versus evil, in our hearts and in this broken world, is to be prepared to stand tall and firm for Christ, despite what the opposition may bring. Where are you standing? Where are your feet planted?
Be consistent in your walk with Jesus so you can strengthen your spiritual muscles. Your stance will determine your future and the future of your family. Stand firm on the Word of God, and live out what the Bible tells you to do.
Jesus, give me strength to stand firm in the midst of the chaotic times that I am surrounded by. Help me not be swayed by popular opinion, but only be controlled by your Word and the Holy Spirit’s guidance in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.