Daily Devotional
Enduring Love
July 15, 2021
Psalm 136,146-150Psalm 136:1, “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever.”
“His love endures forever.”This phrase appears a total of 26 times throughout Psalm 136. Why the redundancy? God is saying, “If you remember nothing else, remember this: My love endures forever!”Why these words? Why is this such an important reminder? Because no matter what we’ve done or will do, no matter our mistakes or the hardships that befall us, there is One who is and always will be with us through it all. The God of the universe loves with unparalleled kindness, mercy, and faithfulness. His is a love that never runs dry.How can we respond to such incredible depths of love? The answer to this, too, is repeated throughout the psalm: with thanksgiving. We don’t have to wrap our minds around His great love to accept it. He’s already done the work, and now this love is available to us. And something as overflowing as this is meant to be shared. But we don’t have to force it! When we allow ourselves to enjoy Him, to experience His presence and enduring passion, the love will overflow spontaneously.So, accept that He’s not mad at you, but that He’s madly in love with you, and remember: His love endures forever!
Lord Jesus, Allow me to love others the way You love. Help me enjoy and experience more of You today. I praise You and thank You for Your goodness and Your unending love! Amen!