Daily Devotional
Formula for Success
January 31, 2022
Genesis 2:24, “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.”
Have you ever discovered something that worked well enough that you could call it a “formula for success?” A process that is 100% victory guaranteed? God doesn’t leave us guessing or trying out trial products when it comes to relationships — especially marriage. He delivers His winning strategy for man and wife in Genesis 2:24. On the one hand, the formula is simple: one and one word become one flesh (1+1=1). But on the other, it’s incredibly complex and carries tremendous responsibility; it requires tons of work! But anything worth having takes great effort, right?
First and foremost, as a reflection of the gospel — the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ — man and wife must be willing to die to self and serve one another in love and honor their sacred union. Serving one another includes uniting as “one flesh,” spiritually and physically, and it’s meeting each other’s needs in every way humanly possible to the best of each’s ability.
So, as you consider marriage, either for the future or within your own relationship with your spouse, remember the work that Christ has done for you on the cross. Remember the work that He has called you to die to self and unite as one flesh in your relationship — loving your spouse as you love yourself — and know that His way is the absolute formula for success!
Think of one thing you can do today to show your spouse, significant other, or someone else close to you how valuable they are in your sight. Whatever you decide to do, select a task that requires effort in a loving outward display of affection and care.
Dear God, Thank You for providing the marital formula for success in Scripture. Help me be gospel-minded within my relationships and a humble servant’s heart as I put forth the proper effort to achieve success. In Jesus’ name, Amen.