Daily Devotional


July 11, 2023


Psalm 77:11-12 “I will remember the works of the Lord; surely I will remember your wonders of old. I will also meditate on all your work, and talk of your deeds.”


Do you recall that phone call? Perhaps you were sitting in the doctor's office, robed in a blue gown with no back, anxiously awaiting the news. Then, with a heavy heart, you made the call to a friend or family member. Your mind was spinning, overwhelmed with worries and uncertainties, contemplating the multitude of tasks that lay ahead. However, amidst the chaos, your friend provided a steadying presence and uttered a sentence that brought everything into perspective: "What are you believing to be true about God right now?"

Their words struck a chord, cutting through the core of your fears and struggles. While there were plans to be made and dinner to be prepared, life's unexpected hardships have a way of blindsiding us, leaving us feeling lost, alone, and frightened. Whether it's a wayward child, a betrayal, or a daunting diagnosis that shatters our hopes for the future, anxiety and worry can surge like a tidal wave, catching us off guard. In those moments, we find ourselves buried beneath an avalanche of emotions, desperately yearning to be reminded of God's Truth.

Indeed, floods do come, often when we least expect them. They can feel incapacitating, paralyzing us in their wake. However, the moments we have spent cultivating a deep relationship with God during quieter times can serve as an anchor in the storm. Our past knowledge of God becomes the fuel that ignites our faith in Him for the future. Each answered prayer stands as a testament to His unwavering care, providing not only for our immediate needs but also for every tomorrow that lies ahead. Yet, it is only when we intentionally remember His faithfulness that these truths can rise to the surface and bring us peace.


Remember his faithfulness. List five things God has done for you this year, things that have shown his goodness.


Jesus, thank you for meeting me in my struggles and my weakness. You are good and I will trust you and remember your faithfulness. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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