Daily Devotional
Future in Hand
July 19, 2021
Isaiah 34:17-35:10Micah 2:13-5:15Micah 4:1, “In the last days, the mountain of the Lord’s house will be highest of all—the most important place on earth. It will be raised above the other hills, and people from all over the world will stream there to worship.”
When we think of the end times, the end of the world as we know it, fear, uncertainty, and confusion often come to mind. It’s not really the kind of topic we want to talk about over dinner or when we’re out with friends!Question: Does thinking about the end of the world scare you? It doesn’t have to be an anxiety-inducing, hair-raising, goosebump-causing subject. God has given us the 4-1-1 on what we need to know most — with Him, in the end, we win!We can have confidence knowing that God is in control and He’s already secured ultimate victory for us. Instead of fear, we will experience freedom — from ignorance, war, want, and fear. But, according to His Word, this isn’t just our future — it starts here and now.Question: How can we experience this freedom? It begins by BELIEVING that Jesus died a sacrificial death for our sin and rose again to defeat the grave once and for all. Then we CHOOSE to accept Him as our personal Savior and trust Him with our present and our future. As we surrender all that we are to Jesus and live in a way that’s pleasing to Him, our fears will dissipate because we trust that He is in control and our future is in His loving hands!
Dear God, Thank You for giving me the confidence of knowing You are in control no matter what life throws my way. I know that in the end, we win because of what Your Son did for me on the cross. Amen!