Daily Devotional

Get Smart!

October 29, 2020


2 Corinthians 2:11, “So that Satan will not outsmart us. For we are familiar with his evil schemes.” John 10:10, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full."


Doesn’t a two-dollar meal with a large coke and fries sound like it’d hit the spot? Advertised to satisfy any craving, this meal will quell all your hunger for a cheap price. But what isn't stated is that this two-dollar meal might taste good temporarily, but if taken advantage of too often, it can negatively impact your health. Believe it or not, Satan works the same way in our culture.Satan is great at false advertisement. In fact, he is the king of lies, disguising evil to look innocent and appealing, pulling us into a sin trap. That’s why, in today’s reading, Paul warns the Corinthian church to be intentional and aware “so that Satan might not outsmart us.” He schemes and desires to cause us harm through everyday things like certain social media accounts, internet sites, entertainment options, and relationships. What may seem innocent at first can lead us to places farther than we want to go and cost us far more than we want to pay!God doesn’t want us to be fooled by Satan’s false advertisement and lies. He always provides a better way for us to navigate life. We start by considering what we think and talk about, as well as what we watch and listen to, so we don’t fall for Satan’s counterfeit offers.Don’t allow Satan to offer you a "great deal" on something that looks appealing or innocent but can negatively impact your life. Instead, remember the One who paid the ULTIMATE price for you. Jesus is far more powerful and always provides a way out of temptation. So, get smart, walk with the wise, and allow your Savior’s love to reign supreme. It may seem more costly in the beginning, but it’s ALWAYS the best quality option!


Take a moment to think about something Satan used in your life to “scheme” against you and cause harm. What helped you become aware that he was trying to tempt you? Ask God to help you combat false advertisement and lies with His truth!


Dear God, Thank You for always providing a way out of temptation. I know You are more powerful and have a great plan for my life. Help me to fight Satan’s false advertisements with Your Truth. Amen.

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