Daily Devotional

God Hears

January 27, 2021


Job 30:1-40


Job 30:20, “I cry out to you, God, but you do not answer.”Depression can hit like a ton of bricks. Negative thoughts dominate your mind, and the downward spiral intensifies into utter darkness. In today’s reading, despair enveloped Job and came over him like a thick fog. All he saw was hopelessness.When you’re in a pit of despair, you feel miserable. Your cry to God may seem like it’s muffled in the shadows and whisked away by the wind. You may feel all alone, curled up in the dark corners of your mind. But even if you can’t hear His voice or feel His presence, He is still there.If you pray and speak the languishing words of your broken heart, He listens. When you come before Him and speak the raw truth of your brokenness, something supernatural happens. He speaks through the Holy Spirit within you, and hope returns.Circumstances may not change instantly, and you may still face your giants, but the Holy Spirit will empower you not only to carry on but to prevail.



Lord, Open my ears so I can hear Your voice. Keep me teachable so I may grow closer to You. Restore the abundant hope of Jesus in me and heal my broken spirit. Amen.

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