Daily Devotional
God's Dwelling Place
May 23, 2021
1 Kings 8:1-532 Chronicles 5:1-14 & 6:1-421 Kings 8:10-13, “When the priests withdrew from the Holy Place, the cloud filled the temple of the Lord. And the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled His temple. Then Solomon said, ‘The Lord has said that He would dwell in a dark cloud; I have indeed built a magnificent temple for You, a place for You to dwell forever.’”
Have you ever driven in a fog that was so dense and thick that you had to leave the roadway and pull over to be safe? Now, imagine that heavy, all-encompassing fog being a manifestation of God’s glory, the very presence of the Lord Himself in a thick cloud!It was a monumental day for Israel! After seven years, the temple was finally finished. And as the priests made music and sang, “He is good! His faithful love endures forever!” God showed up in a big way. In fact, the priests couldn’t even remain in the temple because the cloud was so thick. And as they came face to face with God’s holiness, it reminded them of His power in an extraordinarily tangible way.We may never experience a physical manifestation of His presence in such an overt manner. However, we do have 24/7 access to something just as great! The New Testament says that when we accept Christ, our bodies become temples that house God’s Spirit! It’s God’s radiance that warms our souls, nourishes our spirit, and guides us along the right paths — even in the foggiest of times!So, today, give thanks that God called you by name, gave you purpose, and promised you eternal life! The one and only Living Lord, Jesus Christ, wants to make a home in your heart. Now, that deserves a huge “AMEN!”
Lord, You are magnificent! Thank You for choosing to make my heart Your home. Even in the darkest of days, I will bask in Your radiant glory! Amen!