Daily Devotional

He Cares

April 16, 2021


1 Samuel 22:1-23:12Psalm 57Psalm 142Psalm 52


Psalm 142:4-5, “I have no refuge: no one cares for my life. I cry to you, Lord; I say, ‘You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.’”“No one cares for my life.” Have you ever felt that way? Alone in a crowd, shouting into the void and wondering if anyone would even notice if you disappeared? If you even matter to anyone at all?David was experiencing such pain as he penned Psalm 142. He was hiding out in a cave, merely trying to survive. King Saul’s men were hunting him down — would he make it out alive? Picture the scene: It's likely cold and damp with all hard surfaces. There's definitely nowhere comfortable to lay his head. Creepy, crawly critters are his only company. Yikes! So, imagine how David felt —isolated, trapped, and alone, with seemingly no escape.That sense of being alone, abandoned, and unloved is one of the worst feelings in the world. And it breaks God’s heart when we feel this way because He cares about every facet of our being. It may not always feel like it, but His constancy, His love, and His truth are more enduring than any emotion or circumstance. He is a refuge in times of trouble, a friend through thick and thin, a Father we can always rely upon.He gave up His one and only Son so that He could have a relationship with you. And if you’ve accepted Him into your life, you never have to be alone. So, right now, say aloud to yourself: “God loves me. He cares about me. I can come to Him about anything.” It’s true! You can at any time and in any place, and He’ll respond. He’s always with you; He loves you. He cares!



Lord, I come to You as I am. I cry out to you, my God. You know my hurt, my struggles, and my failures, but none of it compares to You. Thank You for Your unconditional love, that You are my refuge, my comfort, and my peace. Amen!

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