Daily Devotional


October 19, 2021


Luke 14:25-17:10John 11:1-37Luke 15:20, “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.”


Because God's timing is always perfect, the Bible never mentions Him rushing to do anything. But there is one exception! In Luke 15, Jesus tells a story about a son who asked for his inheritance early and left home only to squander it all away. He hit the lowest of lows as he sold himself into slavery just to eat. Finally, he decided to head home, uncertain of his family's acceptance.In ancient Jewish culture, men didn't run. It was undignified. But when this loving father spotted his long-lost son in the distance, he couldn't help himself. He ran to embrace him. The point Jesus was making is this: whenever a lost sinner returns to the Father, He runs to them and wraps His arms around them despite their past sin or current condition. This means we are never too dirty, never too lost, and never without hope. The moment we turn from our sin and turn toward God, He is there waiting.If you have yet to return to the Father, know this: God isn't mad at you; He's madly in love with you! Allow Him to embrace you and say, "Welcome home, My beloved child!"



Dear Lord, Your love knows no bounds and I am grateful that You chose to call me Your child. Despite all my messes and moral blunders, You call me righteous through Christ. Thank You! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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