Daily Devotional

Is God Good?

November 10, 2023


Psalm 34:8, "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him."

Psalm 100:5, "For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."


Picture a scenario in which you're at a bakery, and you're handed a free sample of a cookie. It looks moist and enticing. You bite into it, savoring the taste, and conclude it is good. As opposed to seeing it in a glass case and imagining its goodness, this direct experience convinces you of its quality. The Psalmist invites us into a similar encounter. Psalm 34:8 beckons us to "taste and see" God's goodness firsthand, suggesting it must be experienced.

While we live in a world of imperfections, where pain and evil often overshadow glimpses of good, the enduring nature of God's goodness remains unchanging. Like us, Jesus experienced the pain of a broken world. Despite being perfect, he endured immense suffering. But his often difficult journey from the manger to the cross is a testament to God's unwavering goodness amid earthly pain and evil.

We, as humans, inherently make mistakes and are prone to falter. Yet the ultimate testament to God's unwavering goodness is Jesus. Despite being flawless, he experienced the harshest aspects of our fallen world and chose to suffer for our sake, providing us with a clear pathway to grace.


As you navigate this week, identify moments when God's goodness shines through, even in unexpected places. It could be in the unexpected kindness of a neighbor lending a helping hand or the community rallying to support a family in need. Let these moments serve as reminders of his ever-present goodness in the presence of challenges.


Lord, open my eyes to see your goodness in the everyday moments and in the grand narrative of my life. Let the challenges I face draw me closer to you as I lean into your unwavering love and goodness. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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