Daily Devotional

Live Original

December 6, 2021


Acts 28:1-31Ephesians 1:1-2:22Ephesians 2:10, "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”


We’ve all heard the saying, “The grass is always greener on the other side.” Isn’t it true that, in our humanity, we naturally dare to compare ourselves with others — and often think what they have is better? But that’s not what God wants! In fact, it’s the enemy who loves for us to play the comparison game. He seeks our discontentment and wants us to feel as if we’re lacking in various ways and, therefore, are less impactful than others — especially when it comes to our spiritual life. Do you find yourself caught in the enemy’s game right now, trying to be someone other than who God created you to be? If so, STOP! Because Jesus is saying, “It’s not fair when you compare! I need YOU to BE YOU!”Comparison robs us of living a joyous, Spirit-filled life. That’s why the Bible alerts us to not judge others by their outward appearance or what we see on the surface of people’s lives but to look at what God looks at — the condition of their hearts. This helps us to live authentic, original lives.How’s your heart? Does jealousy or discontentment reign? Or, do you recognize that God created YOU to BE YOU? He’s hand-designed you with specific gifts and abilities that no one else has. Think about it! No one else has your laugh, your fingerprints, your walk, or your experiences. You are unique! So, stop playing the comparison game or thinking others have it better than you — that the grass is greener on the other side. It’s not. Live original in this one and only life. Remember, you are God’s handiwork who He created to do amazing things before the beginning of time!



Dear God, Thank You for creating me to be one-of-a-kind. Help me see the unique plans You have for my life. I want to do my best to live an original, authentic life without comparing myself with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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