Daily Devotional

Lost and Found

July 26, 2021


Isaiah 52:12-53:12, 54:1-57:21Isaiah 53:6, “All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on Him the sins of us all.”


Have you ever been lost? It’s not a good feeling. We call for help, look for familiar landmarks or search for a clear path back to where we belong. We don’t accept defeat in these scenarios; we keep on searching. So why, at times, do we settle for less in our walk with God?God says you are important. Because you are so valuable and loved, God didn’t want you to stay “lost” in sin, so He sent His one and only Son to take the punishment for your sin. But we encounter a problem in today’s reading — we are like sheep. Notoriously headstrong animals, they are simply not very smart. And, like sheep, we try to go our own way, led astray by the pull of worldly temptation, until we find ourselves lost in sin.Are you searching to find your way? You don’t have to wander lost and unfound. The moment you choose to enter a personal relationship with Jesus, He ushers in overwhelming peace, unmatched hope, and ultimate freedom. And here’s what’s great! Jesus never gives up searching or throws in the towel when you lose focus or wander off track. No, instead, He appeals to the Father who’s always on the lookout for your return. The path back may not be the smoothest primrose path, but joy and everlasting life are waiting at the other end. It’s HIS way that, time and again, leads us in the right direction.Jesus loves you so much that He died for you. Never lose hope and remember, you were lost, but now you’re found in your Savior’s loving embrace.



Dear God, Thank You for constantly pursuing me with grace so that I may have the hope of heaven. Help me to remain on the path of righteousness and love each day! Amen.

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