Daily Devotional


December 24, 2022


Luke 2:19, “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."


What are some of your favorite Christmas memories? Most people gather around family. They will to come together Christmas morning and Dad will read Luke 2, the Christmas story. You probably won’t get to open one present until it is over — it will be excruciating! Then you will open the presents before the day kicked into high gear with family and friends.

Most of us have memories of the fun distractions and glittery pandemonium of the holidays, but Mary’s approach to Christ’s birth was completely opposite of that. She treasured these moments. She stored up the scenes, the smells, the sounds. She allowed her heart to return to the wonder, again and again.

Jesus came to bring peace, joy and contentment to every day. Take time to ponder, time to treasure.


Find a moment to revisit this familiar story by reading Luke 2.


Jesus, thank you for these moments in my life. Help me slow down and see your goodness. Amen.

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