Daily Devotional

Moments Matter

June 19, 2020


Mark 8:36, “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”


Nine million four hundred sixty-seven thousand eighty-five minutes, 157,784 hours, and 6,574 days — can you guess what these numbers are? They equate to the average time parents have with their children before they leave the nest to begin a new journey into adulthood. Seeing the urgency and brevity of time helps us understand the importance of making every moment matter. Although a parent’s role is a forever position, the window of child development is short.As parents, we desire for our kids to have as much as we can offer them. We sign them up for sports, provide the best environments for academic advancement, and book music lessons. However, if we give them everything BUT a relationship with Jesus and His church, we’ve given them NOTHING.As a parent or influencer in a young person’s life, how would you rate your utilization of those 9,467,085 minutes? If your child was asked about your family’s top priority, would they say, “A relationship with Jesus”? Are you leading out by example? Because that’s the greatest gift we can ever give. Everything else is secondary.Will you make every moment matter today?


Commit to having intentional spiritual conversations with your kids. A great place to start is to discuss these daily devotionals. Protect this time and use it to grow spiritually as a family.


Dear God, Thank You for the gift of everyday moments that I often take for granted. Help me to maximize the time that I have with my kids or others within my sphere of influence. I desire to lead by example to help others grow in their love for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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