Daily Devotional

Ready for Take-off

July 6, 2020


Philippians 2:13, “For it is God who is at work within you, giving you the will and the power to achieve His purpose.”


Can you imagine driving across the country in a golf cart versus flying in an airplane? Surely, you’re thinking, “That’s absurd!” And you’re right, it’s obviously a ridiculous question, because golf carts, unlike airplanes, lack the durability and power to travel hundreds of miles. Now, let’s remove the golf cart and plane from the equation and replace them with our ability to overcome obstacles and God’s unmatched power. Think how silly we must look to God when we look to ourselves for the answer instead of letting Him fly the plane!Why is it so hard to relinquish control and admit that we need help? We want to move forward and commit to change, but we just can’t seem to get past certain obstacles. Or, we try so hard to maintain control that it only leads to further chaos and grief.Faith in Jesus is the only viable option! But His way isn’t always the easiest route. He’ll lead us to confront certain uncomfortable truths and the inevitable conflict that comes with change. He’ll guide us through the growing pains as we tackle what’s holding us back. But first, we have to admit our weakness and seek God’s strength.Choose today to park the golf cart and rely on God’s unmatched power! There may be mighty headwinds to contend with and delays due to crosswinds, but you can trust God to take you where you need to go. So, do your part and board the plane because your Captain’s ready for take-off!


What do you need to surrender? What’s stopping you from relying on God’s power? Admit to Him that you need help! Say, “Father, may Your will — not my will — be done!” Then, thank Him in advance for what you believe He’s going to do!


Dear Lord, Thank You for Your infinite wisdom and strength. Empower me to live according to Your will and to overcome the fear and dysfunctional aspects of my life. I see Your power at work within me and praise You for it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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