Daily Devotional
Royal Lessons
May 4, 2021
1 Chronicles 26:1-28:21
1 Chronicles 28:20, “David also said to Solomon his son, ‘Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished.’"As David was nearing the end of his life, he knew that God’s chosen successor was his son, Solomon. Therefore, as God’s twice-anointed king to lead all of Israel and someone whose greatest desire was intimacy with the Lord, he wanted to set his son up for success — to instill the importance of leading with wisdom and discernment. Most importantly, He charged Solomon to follow the Lord with wholehearted devotion and a willing mind to obey the ultimate King as he led his people to pursue holy living. David followed with instruction for what He had greatly desired to do for God but didn’t per God’s commands — build the temple to house God’s Ark and be a permanent structure for people to gather and worship.Having witnessed his father's tremendous power and responsibility that came with leading a powerful nation, Solomon took David's advice to heart. He knew firsthand that going against the Lord of Heaven’s armies resulted in catastrophe for Israel’s enemies as well as seen the consequences of his own father’s disobedience when God sent a plague as punishment for one of David’s greatest mistakes as king. Think how intimidating this soon-to-be role must have been for him as he geared up to take the throne! He was about to lead the Israelite nation — who God set apart as holy — and took his father’s words to heart.No, you will never be anointed king of any country, but David’s instruction is a royal lesson for you as well! So, stop and consider what areas God has positioned in you for power or leadership. Whether it’s as a parent, a manager at work, or a godly influencer among your peers, you, too, have been called to obey God and follow Him with wholehearted devotion. That’s the first and most important step. The second is this: DO THE WORK! Don’t be apathetic or easily sidetracked by things of less importance. Whatever job God puts before you — commit to doing it His way. Not only will you grow in deeper intimacy with Christ, but you will also bring Him the glory He most rightly deserves!
Lord, What tasks have You set before me that I could more greatly apply Your wisdom and discernment, both for today and in the future? I seek to be found faithful in Your sight. Amen