Daily Devotional
Shine His Light!
August 23, 2021
Ezekiel 24:15-25:17, 29:1-16, 30:20-31:18Jeremiah 34:1-22, 21:1-14Jeremiah 34:15-16, “Recently you repented and did what was right, following My command. You freed your slaves and made a solemn covenant with Me in the Temple that bears My name. But now you have shrugged off your oath and defiled My name by taking back the men and women you had freed, forcing them to be slaves again.”
“Treat others the way you want to be treated.” This is a common phrase you probably heard growing up by a parent or teacher. But have you ever really thought about what it means and how it affects you as a Christ-follower?Once you enter into a personal relationship with Jesus, you are a bearer of His light. As reflectors of Christ’s light, a great responsibility is how we respond to or treat those who can do nothing in return for our kindness and concern. Additionally, we are called to represent His righteousness in the darkness of today’s world — we want those who don’t yet know Him to notice something different in us through our words and actions, to draw them in and share the reason for our hope and desire to live a God-centered life.In today’s reading, God scolded the Israelites for their ill-treatment of slaves, even saying they had “defiled His name.” Wow! Although the context is different for us today, there is value in this powerful reminder of how we should treat other people.What if we spin that common phrase to “Treat others the way GOD wants you to treat them?” God desires for us to view people through the lens that He sees them. So, get ready to shine Christ’s light! He wants to use you to reach those still living in darkness. Here’s a great way to make it happen: Remember, you have never locked eyes with someone that Jesus doesn’t love or didn’t die for. Be ready to shine His light!
Dear God, I want to shine Your light! This week, help me share Your love with as many people as possible through my words and actions. Thank You for Your love! Amen.