Daily Devotional
Small Blisters or Gaping Wounds?
July 30, 2021
Jeremiah 2:23-4:31, 5:1-19Jeremiah 3:12-13, “Therefore, go and give this message to Israel.* This is what the Lord says: ‘O Israel, my faithless people come home to Me again, for I am merciful. I will not be angry with you forever. Only acknowledge your guilt. Admit that you rebelled against the Lord your God and committed adultery against Him by worshiping idols under every green tree. Confess that you refused to listen to My voice. I, the Lord, have spoken!’"
No one enjoys admitting their mistakes. There’s just something in us that makes it hard to say the three little words: I was wrong. But, such confession is good for the soul in every way. Likewise, trying to keep sins secret is like ignoring a small blister. As our sins compound, the blister begins to fester. And the longer we try to avoid confession, the more that once-small blister becomes a gaping wound that wreaks havoc in our lives.In today’s reading, Jeremiah calls on the Israelites to admit their sins and turn back to God. God was angry and didn’t mince words, but, as always, God’s desire was for His people to experience His mercy and love.So, if God already knows what we’ve done wrong, why, then, does He want us to admit our sins? Because we need to see our sin from His perspective. Confession is for our good, not His. He knows we’re only as sick as our secrets. The longer we try to conceal them, the more they fester and lead to a cascading effect of costly consequences.Confession unleashes the blessing and purpose God wants to pour out on our lives. So, take care of that “small blister” and get ready for the blessings that will flow forth as you stay afoot on the path of purpose!
Heavenly Father, Today I turn back to You and admit the following sins: ____________. Give me the strength, wisdom, and discernment to stay on the right path as I seek to honor You and fulfill the life of purpose that You’ve called me to live. Amen.