Daily Devotional

Terrific Twins

September 17, 2022


Psalm 23:6a, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life…"


Sheep sometimes wander off and need rescuing. A good shepherd always has his eyes open, watching for a sheep that needs to be brought back to the flock. We are like those sheep in relationship to God! It's reasonable to think that with a flock like that, the shepherd would give up - but our Shepherd won't stop chasing us down with His terrific twins: goodness and mercy. God's goodness is the essence of His character – His unconditional grace and unstoppable love for us. Therefore, within His grace, He generously gives us what we don't deserve, and within His mercy, God spares us from what we do deserve. So, even when we are unfaithful to Him, He always remains faithful to us.

Have you wandered off? Is going your own way causing you to stumble through life? Know this: God is chasing you down! Today's scripture reminds us His goodness and mercy will follow us "all the days…" which literally means FOREVER. As Christ-followers, we'll dwell in heaven with God for all eternity, and EVEN THERE, He won't stop chasing us down with His unfailing love!


Take a moment to say this statement out loud, “I can never do anything to make God love me any more or any less!” God that will always pursue you no matter how far you stray.


Lord, thank You for Your goodness, mercy, and consistent pursuit! Help me to remember all I need is found in You, the ultimate Shepherd and Leader of my life. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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