Daily Devotional

Tethered to Truth

March 12, 2020


Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the Law.”Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”


We’ve all seen an empty plastic bag being tossed around by the wind. It’s almost hypnotic to watch as it’s blown in various directions, lands temporarily, and then moves once again. The bag has no control over which way it goes. Fortunately, humans do have that choice. But, far too many people live in a directionless myriad of endless appointments on an over-committed schedule.Proverbs 29:18 speaks to this directly. But here’s where so many of us get it wrong. It's not about human vision — our goals and accomplishments. It's about God's vision and guidance. The Bible says to live according to His priorities, His purposes, His truth.What does this look like? Although not always easy to live out, the formula is simple. Our biblical priorities are God, spouse, children, and work — in that order. We are to prioritize God through church involvement and personal time with Him. We prioritize our spouse by scheduling a regular date night and our kids by having quality family time. As we live this out, God will bless our obedience.Are you merely moving from one thing to the next or are you tethered to God’s vision? Allow His Word to be the lamp that guides your feet and illuminates your path!


The best way to get our priorities back on track is by learning to say, “No” to more than we say, “Yes.” What do you need to eliminate on your calendar to live out God’s priorities?


Dear Lord, You are my utmost priority. If I turn to You first, I know You will guide me wherever I need to go. Help me to live out the example Christ set for me in Your Word, Your GPS, that’s a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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