Daily Devotional

Thanks Be to God

February 18, 2021


Leviticus 7:1-8:36


Leviticus 7:30, “With their own hands they are to present the food offering to the Lord…”How often do you communicate your gratitude to people? Or, do you leave it to others to thank those who have been helpful? What about God? Do you rely on those leading in worship on a Sunday morning to express your appreciation to God for you?God desires a personal relationship with us. Even before He sent His Son, He wanted the Israelites to approach Him personally, making offerings with their own hands and out of their own desire. And just as He wanted the Israelites to eat the fellowship meal within three days, He desires our fellowship with Him to be fresh and not stale. To be both timely and genuine.Take the time and initiative to express gratitude to God today!



Dear God, Thank You for Your great grace and mercy. I’m truly grateful for how You have moved in my life, for Your blessings and provisions. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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