Daily Devotional

The Fragrance of Faith

September 28, 2020


John 12:3, “Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.”


If you were about to market a brand-new fragrance called “Faith,” how would it smell? Perhaps it would smell like fresh linen, whipped vanilla, or an ocean breeze. Or, maybe, it’d be something more robust — a perfume of the past mixed with the essence of your life today, a hint of where you’ve been and where you are now. So, as you encapsulate thoughts of that fragrance in your mind’s eye, consider what your marketing slogan would be. For Mary, it would be: “Dial In To God’s Desires.”When Jesus was around, no one had to guess where Mary was. The Bible notes that she was always at Jesus’ feet, listening intently, connecting with His deepest sorrows and desires. She sensed the heaviness of His heart as He sat amongst the guests. She understood what even His disciples didn’t — that now was the time to worship the Lord, now was the time to anoint her Savior with precious oil. She gave the totality of herself to Christ, and He wants us to do the same.Are you giving yourself fully to God? Are you living by Him, for Him, in Him, and through Him? Do you have the zestful essence of the fragrance of faith upon your life? A scent that sets you apart for the purpose and joy of Christ? Today, be like Mary and dial in to God's desires!


Today, simply wear your fragrance of faith proudly. Think of Christ's righteousness and the aroma of forgiveness He’s so graciously poured out on you.


Dear Lord, I praise You for dying on the cross for my sins and rising again. Thank You for the fragrant scent you have laid on me because of Your grace. May I share the aroma of Your righteousness with all I encounter. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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