Daily Devotional


January 25, 2021


Job 22:1-25:6


Job 23:11-12, “For I have stayed on God’s paths; I have followed His ways and not turned aside. I have not departed from His commands, but have treasured His words more than daily food.” Do you have people in your life who uplift, encourage, and help strengthen your relationship with God? Or, is your life filled with people who constantly tear you down, discourage you, and keep you from growing closer to God?Job was in the middle of fighting human judgment versus what he knew to be true about God. Job’s “friends” were trying to lead him astray instead of leading him to God. These “friends” thought Job was deserving of his circumstances. But in this pivotal time in his life, he didn’t let their accusations turn him against God. Instead, he ultimately went to the One who knew everything about him.Who are your friends? Take a “friend-ven-tory” and see if you have the right kind of “THEY” in your life. Are they Tough, Honest, Encouraging, and Yielded to Christ? If not, ask God to provide the right people in your life!



Dear God, Even amid my trials, help me to seek out the right kind of people in my life. I pray that THEY help lead me closer to You and point me to Your truth. Amen.

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