Daily Devotional

Too Legit to Quit

December 29, 2021


Revelation 11:1-14:20Revelation 14:12, “This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus.”


Do you ever just want to throw in the towel, call it a day, or say, "Uncle" to all the things you're tired of fighting? We all do! Maybe you're tired of fighting an illness, fighting for your marriage, or fighting for a better life. No matter the struggle, wanting to quit is absolutely natural — okay, even — if you know you won't. Therefore, when feelings of flight outweigh your determination to fight, it's important to remember exactly WHY you're fighting.In today's reading, the writer, John, watches as three angels give proclamations. The first reminds people of salvation through Christ and warns sinners to repent. The second pronounces judgment on all the ungodly people corrupted by the day's culture. The third announces the doom that will befall all who followed the antichrist. John sought to encourage us by describing this vision. He's saying, "DON'T QUIT on Christ! The suffering is temporary if you hold on — but for those who quit, it's eternal."So, why are we fighting? Because life is hard and difficulties are inevitable. And with the enemy vying to take us down, we have to fight even harder to commit and not quit. But if we focus on glorifying God and the future hope of heaven, we can push through any unfortunate circumstances that happen in this life.How do we have patient endurance when every muscle in our body is screaming, "Just QUIT already"? We remember that Christ is with us, that He endured the cross and will strengthen us through it all. So, go retro, pull out those genie pants, and get ready for some "Hammer Time" as you crash through the quitting points and tell Satan, "I'm too legit to quit!"



Heavenly Father, I get so tired of battling______, but I commit not to quit. I will not give up knowing that You are with me and will strengthen me along the way. May You be glorified in all I do and say, Amen.

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