Daily Devotional


May 9, 2024

James 1:14-15 “But each man is tempted, when he is drawnaway by his own lust, and enticed.”


It was one of the great television shows of the 1960s – Lost in Space. Every Wednesday night from 1965 to 1968, America tuned in. The science fiction program followed the adventures of the Robinsons, a pioneering family of space colonists who struggled to stay alive, under the constant attack of alien forces. CBS caught every moment.

Will Robinson was a teenage boy whose curiosity nearly cost him his life – in nearly every one of the 83 episodes. That’s where the family robot came in. With three words, he steered young Will from the clutches of death.

“Danger, Will Robinson.”

We all need to hear that word – danger! This is especially true when we face one of the five basic triggers of all compulsive behaviors, to our poor choices. I like the acronym, B.L.A.S.T. We tend to get into trouble when we are . . .

• Bored

• Lonely

• Angry

• Stressed

• Tired

It is important to know your triggers. We all have them. That is what James was talking about when he warned others, “Each man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own lust, and enticed” (1:14-15).


Go through the list. Pick out your primary and secondary triggers: bored, lonely, angry, stressed, tired. Then prepare a plan of response to your triggers.


God, I am often triggered by things I see, hear, remember, or feel. You know my primary and secondary triggers. I commit to developing a plan of response. I will work as though it all depends on me, then I will pray as though it all depends on you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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