Daily Devotional
August 4, 2021
2 Chronicles 36:1-52 Kings 23:31-24:1-4Jeremiah 22:1-23, 26:1-24, 25:1-14Jeremiah 26:13-14, “Now reform your ways and your actions and obey the Lord your God. Then the Lord will relent and not bring the disaster He has pronounced against you. As for me, I am in your hands; do with me whatever you think is good and right.”
In the face of opposition, with people gunning for you, have you ever had to take a deep breath and swallow the huge gulp in your throat as you stood up for what was right? You know, that ever-so-unpopular stance that left you feeling isolated and alone? Or, at the very least, maybe you’ve had to tell someone something they really needed to hear, knowing full well it would be received as criticism and elicit a bristly response.No matter the circumstances you endured, it’s likely no match for what God called Jeremiah to communicate to the people of Judah. He had a message that didn’t just land him a good tongue-lashing in return but, rather, set off a full-fledged revolt against him. We have to give him some major props because, despite the outcome, he trusted that his life was in God’s hands.Certain situations require a heavy dose of faith. And, it’s easy to say — and even think — that we truly trust God. But, when the rubber meets the road, do we really take that same type of unflappable stance? Because doing the right thing rubs many people the wrong way. Nonetheless, when we stick with God’s plan and forge ahead undeterred by the opposition, we can always trust that we, too, will be safe and secure in God’s hands, confident in His provision and strength!
Lord, I want to be bold like Jeremiah with an unwavering determination to do what’s right. Grant me that same measure of faith and strength to face opposition confidently in Your name. Thank You for Your faithfulness! Amen.