Daily Devotional


January 5, 2024

Micah 6:8 “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”


The CDC advises getting in 10,000 steps a day, which works out to about five miles. Walking daily offers a range of benefits, from boosting bone strength and cardiovascular fitness to reducing excess body fat and enhancing muscular endurance. The beauty of walking lies in its accessibility—it is low impact, free, and requires no special training. Plus, you can do it when it best fits your schedule, at your own pace.

Have you ever considered power walking? It might not seem like much, but it involves intentional control, resisting the urge to run. There's as much energy and focus in power walking as in sprinting, yet it's about maintaining that control. Power under control—that's the essence. Biblical humility often gets mistaken for weakness, but it's quite the opposite. It's not about downplaying our strengths but rather channeling them, just like a power walker guides his movements with intention.

Micah's call to "walk humbly" nudges us to rein in our inclination to rush ahead of God. He also urges us to "act justly and love mercy,” prompting an eagerness to address the world's injustices promptly. Yet, the key is aligning our actions with God’s guidance. Our aim should be to fulfill his will and witness his kingdom unfolding on earth. So we harness our power with God, we walk with his presence guiding us.


Commit each day to God, seeking his guidance and control in every aspect of your life.

As we seek his guidance and align our actions with his purposes, we find ourselves at peace. Read Psalms 25:4-5. How can you implement this step in your daily life?


God, thank you for your presence and your Word that guide my path. Forgive me for the times I've rushed ahead, neglecting your guidance in my eagerness to act. Help me learn the discipline of seeking your will before stepping forward. Teach me to surrender my plans, ambitions, and desires to your perfect control. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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