Daily Devotional

Well He Is!

November 24, 2021


Romans 2:1-4:25Romans 3:15-18, “Their feet are swift to shed blood; ruin and misery mark their ways and the way of peace they do not know. There is no fear of God before their eyes.”


When you were growing up, you probably heard someone ask, “Would you do that if God was watching?” and the punch line was always, “Well, He is!” Many people believe God exists but forget that there’s nothing He doesn’t see or know, that no behind-closed-doors operations or clandestine meetings are shielded from His view.

In today’s reading, Paul makes the profound claim that ruin and misery mark the way of those who abandon the Lord’s commands and arrogantly ignore His presence. Therefore, as enemies of God, they’ll never find peace. Conversely, those who delight in a healthy and reverent fear of God will receive His peace, protection, and eternal life.

The fear of God isn’t like other fears. It’s the 24/7 awareness that we’re in the presence of a holy and almighty God. It’s knowing that everything we do, say, touch, and feel is subject to His judgment. If we know Jesus personally, we respond to His love by obeying His commands and living under the authority of His Word. We seek to please Him and bring glory to His name. Following Him leads to life, and there’s no alternate route. Bottom line: Life is too short NOT to fear Him! You never know what tomorrow holds, so surrender your life to Christ today!



Dear Lord, I seek to please You with everything I do, say, touch and feel. Help me make choices that reflect my reverence for Your authority and power. Guide me along Your righteous path that I may glorify Your holy name! Amen.

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