Daily Devotional
Worship or Waste?
October 2, 2020
1 Peter 4:10-11, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.”
Imagine flipping through the news channels and the headline "Doctor Finds Cure for Cancer" immediately captures your attention. You lean in, turn up the volume, and watch the interview with this medical genius responsible for finding the cure. At first, your heart floods with joy and excitement, thinking about the fabulous implications for those currently battling some form of cancer. But then, in the middle of the interview, the doctor reveals that the cure has been sitting in a box on his mantle for twenty years. As frustration quickly elevates to anger, you ask, "How could someone waste such a precious gift? Think of all the lives that could've been spared and the difference he could have made!”God has gifted every one of us with unique abilities and talents that He wants leveraged for His glory. He loves to watch His children do what He designed them to do. Have you done an inventory of your giftedness? You might be a compassionate listener, or you may have an eye for detail. Perhaps the creative arts are your specialty, or you’re great at organizing. You could be an incredible communicator or skilled at fixing things. Whatever your talents are, don't leave them on the shelf! Don't let them go to waste but use them as avenues for worship.You may not have the scientific acumen to cure cancer, but you are equipped to make a difference in the lives of others! So, if you have an unused gift "sitting on a shelf," it's time to shake off the dust and share it with others!
What gifts and talents have you left on the shelf, untouched and untapped? Tap into those today and think about ways you could use them as an act of worship. For example, if you have the gift of hospitality, serve someone you know who’s in the midst of difficulty by offering to bring them a meal or clean their home. Whatever it is, you’ve got it, now use it!
God, Thank You for gifting me with unique abilities and talents. I never want to take them for granted. Help me not to waste those things, but to be more intentional about using them as an act of worship for Your glory. Amen.