Monday Devotional
Icebreaker Question:
What item have you thrown the furthest in your life?
Main Point:
I Will Be Bold!
Bible Verse:
“The Lord is my light and my salvation—so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?” Psalm 27:1
Read The Following Bible Story :
David & Goliath (1 Samuel 17:41-50)
Take a few moments to think about being matched up in a battle against someone triple your size! Pretty scary to imagine, right? David, the youngest of eight brothers, was the last person out of the entire Israelite army you would have matched up against Goliath, the most feared Philistine in history! But even though David was known for being the youngest and taking care of his family’s sheep, he had a power that no one else had. This power didn’t come from himself, but from God! David told his fellow Israelites that God was the only one who could win this battle against their enemy, the Philistines. With that confidence, David boldly stepped up to show everyone t hat God has the power to do the impossible. With a simple slingshot and five smooth stones, David triumphantly defeated Goliath with the first throw -- talk about a mic drop!
This movie-worthy story in the Bible shows how God can use some one ordinary to accomplish something extraordinary! David was humble enough to realize he couldn’t do this on his own. But knowing God was with him helped him every step of the way.
Ask This:
1. Why is it important to get your confidence from God rather th an others?
2. In what ways can you be bold in your own life?
“Dear God, thank you for allowing me to be at Kids Camp this week! Please help me have the boldness to do the right thing and to listen to how you’re speaking to me this week. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Tuesday Devotional
Icebreaker Question:
Who is your favorite superhero and why?
Main Point:
I Will Stand Up For What Is Right!
Bible Verse:
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Read The Following Bible Story :
Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego (Daniel 3:13-30)
As we’re learning this week at Kids Camp, “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.” God has commanded us to be responsible in doing the right thing! Setting the scene in today’s Bible story, King Nebuchadnezzar set a rule for everyone in the province of Babylon to bow down to an extremely tall statue. In fact, as tall as 15 men standing on top of each othe r-- that’s super tall! And anyone that did not obey the king’s command would be thrown into a fiery furnace. While everyone obeyed the king and agreed to bo w down to a statue; Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego knew they needed step up and do what was right! They boldly stood up to the king and acknowledged that their God was the only God worth bowing down to!
This is the same God that we worship today. God created you, knows you and loves you beyond belief. He sent us his own Son to die on the cross for you so you could have a relationship with God! Why worship anything or anyone else besides your creator? For the three friends, they knew a false idol was not worth worshipping and they knew God would come through for them! As the three friends came out of the fire untouched, remember there was a fourth figure with them-- that was Jesus! When we decide to step up and do the right thing, even if it scares us, remember that God is with us every step of the way!
Ask This:
1. How would you feel if the king threatened to throw you into a fiery furnace? (Scared, nervous, excited, etc.)
2. Why do you think it matters to God for us to do the right thing?
3. Name some examples of how you can be doing the right thing at camp this week! (Be kind to cabin mates, listen and respect your trainers, etc.)
“Dear God, thank you for the reminder to do the right thing even if it’s scary. I know you are with me and fight my battles for me. In Jesus’ name , Amen!”
Wednesday Devotional
Icebreaker Question:
What is your favorite article of clothing to wear?
Main Point:
I Will Forgive Others Because God Forgives Me!
Bible Verse:
“Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.” Colossians 3:13
Read The Following Bible Story :
Joseph (Genesis 37:3-8)
Joseph was the youngest of 12 brothers and was his dad’s favorite, for sure! His dad, Jacob, had an extremely nice coat made for him. It was called, “the coat of many colors.” Joseph’s brothers could not stand that Joseph, the youngest, was their dad’s favorite. They ended up throwing Joseph in a well and sold him to be a slave! Talk about jealousy, right?
Joseph then was put through so many difficult situations while b eing a slave in Egypt for many years. Joseph, because of his brothers hateful actions, had to spend several years away from his home and family. Pharoah noticed how wise Joseph was and ended up putting him second in command in all of Egypt, the biggest promotion you could ever think of! Then, a seven year famine hit and Joseph’s brothers ended up coming to Egypt in search of food. A dream he had years ago came true: all of his brothers were bowing down to him pleading to provide the food they needed. Instead of Joseph having the mentality of, “You wronged me, you’re going to pay!” He didn’t make his brothers his slaves. He told them in Genesis 50:20 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.” Joseph made the right decision to move past his hurt and forgive his brothers. Joseph knew that God used that situation to grow him and to ultimately help others in need!
Ask This:
1. What is your natural reaction when someone wrongs you?
2. Why is it important to forgive others?
“Thank you for the reminder about the importance of forgiveness. This is what you’ve called us to do. Thank you for forgiving me first! In Jesus’ name, Amen!”
Thursday Devotional
Icebreaker Question:
What animal are you most afraid of?
Main Point:
I Will Follow Gods Plan!
Bible Verse:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6
Read The Following Bible Story :
Daniel In The Lions Den (Daniel 6:15-28)
Daniel was one of the king’s trusty men! And after a short amount of time, he surpassed all the other administrators of the king and became his #1! The other officials tricked the king into signing a law for anyo ne that prays to anything except the king, to be thrown in the lions’ den overnight! Daniel had a strong relationship with God and continued to pray to him despite this new law. Because Daniel did, he got thrown in the lions’ den for an entire night. Can you imagine how scary it that was for Daniel? But, he knew God was powerful enough to protect, no matter what!
And sure enough, the next morning, Daniel ran out of the lions’ den untouched. He proclaimed to the king that God sent his angels to shut the mouth of the lions! This inspired King Darius to praise the God that Daniel worshipped and served, the only true living God! How Daniel handled this situation and trusted God’s plan for him, should inspire us to trust God even when we can’t see the outcome. He has amazing plans for us and wants us to continue to surrender all things to him!
Ask This:
1. What is a scary situation you’ve been in? Did you ask God for help?
2. Why do you think it’s so easy to forget that God is with us and ready to help us?
“Dear God, thank you for being in control of everything and having an amazing plan for my life! No matter what may come up in life, help me to stay focused on You in my situation. In Jesus’ name, Amen!”
Friday Devotional
Icebreaker Question:
What is the longest walk you’ve been on? Where were you?
Main Point:
I Will Share Jesus With Others!
Bible Verse:
“You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.” Matthew 5:14-16
Read The Following Bible Story :
Paul's Conversion (Acts 9:1-16)
Now THIS is a story about how the power of Jesus can transform your life! Paul, who wrote a majority of the New Testament, was a persecutor of Christ followers; he was their enemy! But then, Paul had an encounter with Jesus while he was walking and his life completely changed forever. God wanted to use Paul to spread the news of Jesus! God still wanted to use Paul despite his faults and mistakes. Paul was his “chosen instrument” to spread the good news!
God wants to use YOU in ways you would never dream or imagine. Our theme this week has been super heros. And while Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, and Groot are all great, Jesus is the ultimate hero of our hearts. He is the one that works through us and gives us the strength we need. God wants you to be a super hero for him! He desires to work through you so you can be a light to others and love them like Jesus does. Don’t just let what you learned at Kids Camp stay here. Go back home and know God is with you and wants to shine through you brightly!
Ask This:
1. How can you shine your light for others to see?
2. What is something you learned at camp you want to take home with you?
3. What Fellowship Church campus do you go to? We want you to come to FC Kids!
“Dear God, I thank you so much for allowing me to be here at Kids Camp. I thank you for the godly leaders that have poured into me this week to teach me more about you. Thank you for loving me so much and sending your Son, Jesus, to have a relationship with me when I don’t deserve it. Help me take all what I’ve learned here back home with me! In Jesus’ name, Amen.”