Daily Devotional

After The Celebration

December 28, 2024


Luke 2:22When the time came for the purification rites required by the Law of Moses, Joseph and Mary took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord.”


The wrapping paper is stuffed into bags, the Christmas tree is starting to drop needles, and the relatives have overstayed their welcome. The excitement of Christmas has passed, and a quiet stillness settles in. Now what?

In Luke 2:22–24, Mary and Joseph faced a “what now” moment too. After the angels, shepherds, and wonder of Jesus’ birth, they returned to their humble lives. They went to the temple to consecrate Jesus, offering two doves, the sacrifice of the poor. It was a simple act, quiet and ordinary. But in that moment, they declared their trust and surrender to God’s plan. They were dedicating their son—the Messiah—back to the God who had entrusted him to them.

Imagine Mary holding her newborn in the temple, replaying the angel’s words in her mind. The skies were no longer filled with angels, and the shepherds had gone back to their fields. The extraordinary had given way to the ordinary. Yet, in the quiet, Mary and Joseph chose obedience. They chose to trust that their small act of faith was part of God’s greater story.

As we step out of the celebration of Christmas, we too face a choice. The miracle of Christ’s birth isn’t meant to stay wrapped up in a single day—it’s meant to shape how we live every day. What does it look like to consecrate this season to God? Maybe it’s surrendering control of something you’ve been holding tightly. Maybe it’s carving out space for prayer, Scripture, serving others, or beginning to tithe.

The decorations may come down, but God’s work in us continues. What if this year, instead of rushing back to routine, we paused to say, Lord, I give you my plans, my hopes, my heart. Use them for your glory. When we consecrate our lives to him, even the quiet, ordinary days are filled with purpose.

The God who came as a baby doesn’t want just our celebration—he wants our devotion. In the stillness after Christmas, meet him there. Let him shape your story for his glory.


Take time to assess areas in your life that need to be surrendered to God. Identify habits that you need to develop – are you attending church faithfully, serving, tithing, praying, reading the Bible?


Lord, as the season fades, help me to dedicate my life to you fully. Teach me to walk in obedience and honor you in everything I do. May my heart be consecrated to you each day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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