Daily Devotional

Blessings Become A Barrier

January 31, 2025


James 1:17 "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."


“When we take the blessings of life and forget the Blessor, the gifts become barriers instead of bridges.” – Pastor Ed Young

Have you ever paused to consider how easily blessings can blind us? The promotion, the vacation, the friendships—good things in themselves—can quietly take center stage. The problem isn’t the gifts; it’s that they subtly steal our focus, replacing the Giver in our hearts.

It’s personal, isn’t it? We say we’re thankful, but how often do we live as though the blessing is enough? That the house, the job, or the relationship will fill the empty spaces in our souls? The prophet Hosea paints a stark picture of this tendency: "When I fed them, they were satisfied; when they were satisfied, they became proud; then they forgot me" (Hosea 13:6).

I see myself in those words. Maybe you do too. It’s easy to enjoy the gift and forget the Giver. But when we do, something shifts. The blessings, meant to draw us closer to God, start to build walls. We cling to the gifts, fearing loss, and miss the invitation to something far greater—the joy of walking with the One who gave them.

Tim Keller reminds us, “You don’t realize Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have.” It’s a sobering truth. When we hold blessings with open hands and keep our eyes on the Blessor, they become bridges—ways to experience and share his goodness. But when we cling to them, they block our view of the God who gave them.

So, let’s make it personal today. What blessing have you elevated to first place in your heart? Is it the career? The approval of others? What would it look like to release it, to recognize it as a gift and thank the Blessor for it? God’s not asking you to reject his gifts; he’s asking you to re-center your heart. When you do, the gifts become what they were always meant to be—bridges to his presence.


Take a moment today to thank God for one specific blessing in your life. Say it out loud or write it down, focusing on how it shows his love or care for you.


God, thank you for every blessing in my life. Help me to focus on you, the Giver, not just the gifts. Draw my heart closer to you and teach me to use all you’ve given to honor you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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