Daily Devotional

Finding Success

November 10, 2024


Joshua 1:8 “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”


What makes someone genuinely successful? For many of the world’s top achievers, success is defined in personal terms. Mark Cuban says it’s about doing what you love every day, Warren Buffett believes it’s being loved by those closest to you, and Oprah Winfrey sees it as finding inner peace. Each definition captures something valuable—joy, love, fulfillment. But the Bible invites us to see success in a way that speaks to our need for a purpose beyond ourselves.

In Scripture, true success is defined not by achievements but by faithfulness to God’s calling. God describes success to Joshua as staying rooted in his Word, living obediently, and trusting in his promises. It’s a quiet kind of faithfulness that doesn’t rely on the world’s recognition but finds peace in alignment with God’s will. This vision of success isn’t about accumulating wealth or fame; it’s about walking with God through every season.

Daniel exemplifies this kind of success. Daniel lived with integrity and resilience, honoring God even when pressured to abandon his beliefs. Daniel’s success wasn’t marked by personal gain but by faithfulness and unwavering commitment to God’s values. His story reminds us that true success is leaving a legacy of faith that brings others to see God’s glory, a success that impacts others in ways that outlast our own achievements.

So, as we pursue success, let’s remember that real achievement is honoring God and leaving a legacy that reflects his truth. True success isn’t measured by our status but by how faithfully we live out God’s purpose. Today, may we find joy and purpose in the kind of success that leads others to know him.


Today, focus on aligning one specific area of your life—work, relationships, or goals—with God’s principles. Write it down.


Heavenly Father, help me seek your purpose in all I do and honor you with my heart, actions, and words. Guide me to live with integrity and faithfulness so that others may see you through me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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