Daily Devotional

Forgiveness Failure

February 16, 2025


1 Corinthians 13:5 "It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs."


Do you remember that Friends episode where Ross and Rachel are in a heated argument, and Ross shouts, “We were on a break!”? It’s funny because we’ve all been there in some way—clinging to our side of the story, holding on to the hurt, and replaying the moment when someone wronged us. Ross and Rachel’s inability to let go turned into a cycle of blame and defensiveness, and nothing got resolved. In real life, this isn’t just frustrating—it’s heartbreaking. When we keep a record of wrongs, we’re not protecting ourselves; we’re poisoning our relationships.

Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 13:5 are simple but challenging: “Love… keeps no record of wrongs.” True love doesn’t keep score. It doesn’t replay past mistakes or hold onto a grudge. Spurgeon said, “To forgive is to reflect the heart of God.” Forgiveness isn’t ignoring the hurt or pretending it didn’t happen—it’s choosing to let go of the list, no matter how justified it feels to hold on.

But forgiveness is hard. Maybe someone you trusted betrayed you. Maybe a friend’s careless words cut deep, and the memory still stings. The truth is, we can’t forgive in our own strength. We need to look to Jesus. He knows every sin, every failure, and every broken promise we’ve made. Yet, he doesn’t keep a record. He took our wrongs, nailed them to the cross, and declared, “It is finished.”

So, who’s on your list? Maybe it’s a spouse, a friend, or even yourself. Pray today for the courage to let go. Ask God to soften your heart and give you his strength to forgive.

When love keeps no record of wrongs, it doesn’t just heal relationships—it sets you free.


Write down the name of the person you need to forgive. Then, pray and ask God to help you release the hurt. If you’re ready, say out loud, “I choose to forgive [name] and let go of this hurt.” Trust God to work in your heart as you take this step. 


Lord, I bring this hurt to you. I don’t want to carry it any longer. Help me to forgive, not by my own strength, but through your grace. Soften my heart where it’s hardened, and free me from the weight of resentment. Just as you have wiped my record clean, help me to let go and love like you. Thank you for your mercy and for setting me free. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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