Daily Devotional


February 23, 2025


1 Corinthians 13:13 “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love."


It’s the kind of story that lingers in your heart. An elderly man sat beside his wife in a nursing home every day. Alzheimer’s had robbed her of all of her memory—she didn’t know who he was anymore. One day, a nurse asked him, “Why do you keep coming if she doesn’t even recognize you?” The man smiled gently and said, “Because I still know who she is.”

That kind of love—a love that stays, sacrifices, and gives without expectation—points us directly to Jesus. When Paul writes, “The greatest of these is love,” he’s not talking about love as an emotion. He’s talking about love as an action, a choice, and ultimately, a reflection of Christ.

Jesus showed us this love on the cross. He didn’t love us because we deserved it. He loved us when we were at our worst, choosing to take on the weight of our sin so we could be made whole. Think about it: Jesus stayed when his disciples fled. He endured the cross when he could have called down angels to save him. His love wasn’t convenient or comfortable—it was costly. And yet, he chose to love us still.

This is the love we’re called to—a love that forgives when it’s hard, that shows up even when we don’t feel like it, and that sacrifices for the good of others. It’s messy, inconvenient, and sometimes painful. But it’s also the most powerful way we reflect Jesus to the world.

So, who is God calling you to love like this? Maybe it’s a spouse who feels distant, a friend who’s hurt you, or someone who can never repay your kindness. Let Jesus’ love for you fuel your love for them. Because when all else fades, love is what remains—and love, real love, changes everything.


Pray for someone difficult to love. Think of someone who’s hard to love and commit to praying for them daily this week. Ask God to soften your heart and help you see them through his eyes.


Lord, teach me to love like you—sacrificially, patiently, and without expecting anything in return. Help me to reflect your heart in my words, actions, and choices, especially when it’s hard. Fill me with your Spirit so that my love points others to the faithful love of Christ. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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