Daily Devotional
I Am the Bread of Life
March 10, 2025
John 6:35 “Then Jesus declared, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.’”
Carbs get a bad rap these days. Low-carb, no-carb, keto—every diet out there seems to treat bread like the enemy. But let’s be real: nothing hits quite like warm, fresh-baked bread. A crusty baguette, a fluffy dinner roll, or that basket of breadsticks you swore you wouldn’t touch—until you did. Bread is comfort. It’s filling. It’s life-sustaining.
That’s why Jesus’ words in John 6:35 were so powerful: “I am the Bread of Life. Whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” The crowd had just seen him miraculously feed thousands with a few loaves and fish, and now he’s saying, “I am what you actually need.”
At first, they didn’t get it. Maybe we don’t either. We live in a world constantly telling us to “fill up” on success, relationships, money—whatever it takes to feel whole. And for a while, it works. But like that first bite of bread, the satisfaction doesn’t last. The applause dies down. The achievement loses its shine. The relationship doesn’t complete us like we thought it would. And suddenly, we’re empty again, searching for the next thing to fill us.
But Jesus doesn’t just give bread—he is the Bread. He doesn’t offer a temporary fix; Jesus offers himself. Theologian Alexander Maclaren put it this way: “He does not merely give life; he is life.” When everything else leaves you hungry, he satisfies.
Maybe today, your soul is starving. Maybe you’ve been reaching for everything but Jesus, hoping something will finally be enough. But he’s already told you the truth: “Whoever comes to me shall not hunger.” The table is set, the Bread of Life is waiting—you just have to come.
Identify what you’re feeding on. What’s your go-to when you’re feeling empty—social media, work, relationships, entertainment? None of these things are bad, but they won’t truly fill you.
Jesus, you are the only One who truly satisfies my soul. Help me to stop reaching for things that leave me empty and instead come to you. Fill me with your presence today, and teach me to trust that you are enough. In your name. Amen.