Daily Devotional

I Am the Good Shepherd

March 13, 2025


John 10:11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”


Sheep aren’t known for their intelligence. They wander, get stuck, and sometimes stand frozen in danger. That’s why they need a shepherd—someone to guide, rescue, and protect them. When Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd,” he wasn’t just giving a comforting metaphor; he was making a radical declaration. A good shepherd doesn’t just watch over the flock—he sacrifices for them. He runs toward the lost, defends the weak, and never gives up on them.

There is an old story about a young boy whose family lived on a large farm. One evening, he wandered too far into the fields and got lost in the thick fog. His father, realizing the boy was missing, didn’t wait for morning. He grabbed a lantern and ran into the night, calling his son’s name over and over. After what felt like hours, the boy heard his father’s voice and cried out. Within minutes, strong arms lifted him up and carried him home.

That’s the heart of our Good Shepherd. He doesn’t wait for us to find our way back—he comes running. Spurgeon once said, “If Christ had not sought us, we would never have sought him.” Maybe today, you feel lost. Maybe you’ve wandered so far that you wonder if he’s still looking. But the Good Shepherd never stops. He calls your name, searching through the fog of fear, sin, and doubt.

The question isn’t whether he’s looking for you; the question is whether you’ll respond. Will you call out and let him carry you home?


Listen for his voice. Just like sheep recognize their shepherd’s voice, we need to tune our hearts to Jesus. Spend time in God’s Word daily, even if it’s just a few verses. Ask, “Lord, what are you saying to me today?” The more we listen, the easier it becomes to follow.


Jesus, you are my Good Shepherd, always calling me back when I wander. Help me to recognize your voice, trust you with my burdens, and follow you daily. Thank you for never giving up on me and for leading me with love. In your name. Amen.

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