Daily Devotional

In the Stillness

December 6, 2024


Luke 1:18 “Zechariah said to the angel, 'How can I be sure this will happen? I’m an old man now, and my wife is also well along in years.' The angel said to him, ‘I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time.’”


Luke 1:18 tells the poignant story of Zechariah, a man wrestling with disappointment and doubt. When the angel Gabriel announced that Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth, would have a son in their old age, Zechariah’s immediate response was skepticism: “How can I be sure this will happen?” His years of waiting and unanswered prayers had worn down his hope, leaving him guarded and cautious.

But God didn’t abandon Zechariah in his doubt. Instead, Gabriel delivered a firm yet purposeful response: Zechariah would be silent until the promise came to pass. Imagine what those months of silence must have been like. No explanations, no defenses, no words—just waiting, watching, and listening. In that stillness, God was at work, not just fulfilling his promise but transforming Zechariah’s heart. The silence became an opportunity for faith to grow, for trust to deepen, and for hope to be reignited.

How often do we, like Zechariah, let our disappointments drown out our belief in God’s promises? Life’s struggles can leave us skeptical, guarded, and hesitant to hope again. But Zechariah’s story reminds us that God’s timing is always perfect, and his promises never fail. Sometimes, God uses seasons of stillness or unexpected circumstances to draw us closer, to help us listen, and to renew our trust in him.

This season, take a cue from Zechariah’s journey. Instead of rushing past the quiet moments, lean into them. Let the silence be a space where God can speak and stir hope in your heart. Trust that he is faithful to fulfill his promises, even when the waiting feels long or the circumstances seem impossible.


As you think on Zechariah’s story, ask yourself: Where in my life am I struggling to trust God’s promises? What might God be saying in the silence? Allow this to be a time when hope is rekindled, and faith grows stronger, knowing that the God who fulfilled his word to Zechariah is the same God who is at work in your life today.


Lord, in our moments of doubt and disappointment, we turn to you for hope and direction. Like Zechariah, we confess that our skepticism can sometimes overshadow our trust in your promises. Open our hearts to hear your voice and to see your faithfulness in every season. Help us to hold on to the hope that you are always working for our good and your glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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