Daily Reading & Prayer

Is Hell Real?

October 10, 2024


Matthew 25:46 "Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.
2 Thessalonians 1:9 "They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might."


It’s a question that makes us uncomfortable—Is Hell real? Some prefer to see it as symbolic or outdated, something too harsh for a loving God. But Jesus, who embodied love and grace, spoke more about Hell than anyone else in the Bible. Why? Because he wanted to warn us of its reality – not to frighten us, but to save us. As Theologian Wayne Grudem points out, “Hell is not simply a place of separation from God, but of active, conscious suffering for those who reject him.” This truth may be hard to digest, but it’s rooted in God’s justice and holiness.

Warren Wiersbe echoes this, saying, "Sin is serious because it’s against a holy God, and hell is a reminder that choices have eternal consequences." It’s not about punishment for punishment’s sake; instead, it’s about the gravity of rejecting God’s love. Hell isn't just an abstract concept—it’s the eternal reality for those who turn away from the grace that Jesus offers. Yet, in the same breath, Jesus extends the offer of life, of being with him forever, free from condemnation.

The reality of hell underscores the immense sacrifice Jesus made to save us. His death and resurrection are a rescue plan. The doctrine of Hell is uncomfortable, but it’s meant to point us toward God’s love and mercy. Today, the invitation is open: choose grace and let Jesus’ sacrifice rewrite your story. Hell is real, but so is God's offer of eternal life—it's up to us to choose which reality we will embrace.


Have you fully accepted the grace and forgiveness offered by Jesus? If you haven't, consider praying a simple prayer and invite Jesus into your life. If you already follow Christ, share the hope of eternal life with someone this week, helping them understand the reality of God's love and the urgency of choosing him.


God, forgive me for taking your mercy and grace for granted. Thank you for the gift of salvation. Help me to live in a way that reflects my gratitude for the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. Give me courage to share your truth with others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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