Daily Reading & Prayer

Made For Another Place

October 14, 2024


Philippians 3:20 "But our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ."


Heaven isn’t just a future destination—it’s where we were always meant to be. Our lives here on earth are temporary, a brief journey in comparison to eternity. The Apostle Paul described it as "a better country" (Heb. 11:16), a place we innately long for. The deep longing reminds us that this world is not our final home. We were created for something far greater—a life with God that lasts forever.

C.S. Lewis once said, "If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world." That ache you sometimes feel? It’s your soul longing for home—for the place where every tear will be wiped away, and every sorrow will be no more (Rev. 21:4). Here on earth, we catch brief glimpses of Heaven in moments of peace, joy, and love, but they are fleeting. Heaven is where those things will be constant, where we will dwell in the presence of God forever.

Heaven isn’t just a place of rest; it’s a place of vibrant life. Heaven is not some boring, ethereal existence, but a place where we will reign with Christ, engaging in work and worship that fulfills the deepest desires of our hearts.

As we walk through life, let’s remember that Heaven is a place of ultimate completion. A.B. Simpson said, "Heaven is not a place of escape, but a place of fulfillment." It’s where every longing will be met, and every broken thing made whole. Heaven is where we will finally belong—fully and forever. With this hope in mind, we can live each day here with purpose, knowing that our true home is waiting, full of joy, beauty, and the presence of God. Isn’t that a promise worth holding on to?


When life feels overwhelming, pause and reflect on Philippians 3:20, reminding yourself that your ultimate citizenship is in Heaven. You can even write the verse and place it somewhere visible – or memorize it!


Lord, thank you for reminding me that this world is not my final home. Sometimes I get caught up in the struggles and distractions of life, but today I choose to focus on the promise of Heaven. Help me to live each day with an eternal perspective. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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