Daily Devotional

Ravens and Breadcrumbs

February 22, 2025


1 Kings 17: 4-6 “‘You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.’ So he did what the Lord had told him. He went to the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan, and stayed there. The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook.”


Elijah was done. Worn out. After boldly standing for God and witnessing his power at Mount Carmel, Elijah fled into the wilderness, gripped by fear and despair. Alone by the brook at Kadesh, he felt empty—spiritually depleted, physically exhausted, and emotionally undone. Have you ever been there? That place where you feel like you’ve given everything, and there’s nothing left? That’s where Elijah was.

But God didn’t abandon him. He didn’t meet Elijah with anger or disappointment. Instead, he met him with provision—through ravens. Imagine it: scavenger birds, creatures known for taking rather than giving, swooping down with bread and meat. Morning and evening, these unlikely messengers delivered exactly what Elijah needed. It wasn’t extravagant, but it was enough. Enough to remind Elijah that he wasn’t forgotten. Enough to keep him going one more day.

God’s love often works like that—mostly not in grand, sweeping miracles, but in steady, quiet faithfulness. It meets us in the wilderness, in the places where we feel most broken, and says, “I see you. I haven’t left you. I will sustain you.”

Think of how Elijah must have felt, watching those ravens come day after day. Maybe his tears turned to gratitude, or his despair to hope. The same God who sent those ravens sees you, too. He sees your weariness, your doubts, your moments when you wonder if you can keep going. And his love is still enough.

You don’t have to have it all together. God’s love is present in the smallest provisions—an encouraging word, unexpected peace, or strength you didn’t know you had. Even in your wilderness, God is faithful, and his love will always carry you through. You are never out of his sight.


Look for daily provision. Each evening this week, write down one small way God provided for you that day—a kind word, an unexpected solution, or even just the strength to keep going.


Heavenly Father, thank you for providing exactly what I need, even in ways I don’t expect. Help me to trust your faithful love and to recognize the small ways you sustain me each day. Use me to be a source of encouragement for others, reflecting you in their lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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