Daily Reading & Prayer

The Real Thing

October 17, 2024


Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God."
John 5:17 "In his defense Jesus said to them, ‘My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.’"


Imagine standing in a room with Elvis Presley, the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll himself, yet not recognizing him. That’s exactly what happened at Dave Thompson’s steakhouse when Elvis, at the height of his fame, secretly entered an Elvis impersonator contest. The crowd watched as he sang "Love Me Tender," but the applause was nothing more than polite. Unaware of who was before them, the judges awarded him third place. They missed the real thing—Elvis himself—standing before their eyes. This story has an eerie parallel to how we often live our lives.

We can become so consumed with the busyness of life, the noise of the world, and our personal agendas that we miss God’s presence, even when he’s standing right in front of us. C.S. Lewis once wrote, “We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade, the presence of God. The world is crowded with him.” Yet how often do we find ourselves too preoccupied to notice? Like those judges, we search for something spectacular and miss the sacred in the ordinary. God often speaks in quiet places, in "small, everyday moments," but we fail to see him because we expect him to shout from the mountaintops.

The truth is, God is not hiding from us. He is present in every mundane task, every common interaction, and the simple joys we so often overlook. If we’re waiting for a grand display, we may miss the God whispers—those moments of grace that are far more significant than we realize.

So, take a moment today to pause. What if, like those impersonator judges, we’ve been missing the real thing all along? As you go about your day, ask yourself: “Where is God showing up in my life that I’ve been too distracted to notice?” Don’t let the noise drown out his voice. Let’s not settle when God himself is in our midst.


Whether you’re at work, doing chores, or simply driving, take a moment to quiet your heart and ask, “God, where are you in this moment?” Be intentional about looking for his presence in the simple things.


Lord, help me slow down today. Open my eyes to see you in my life's small, ordinary moments. I don’t want to miss you. Teach me to find joy and peace in knowing that you are always with me, even in the everyday tasks I often overlook. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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