Daily Reading & Prayer

Walk In The Light

October 18, 2024


Ephesians 5:8 "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light."


Do you know why pirates wore eye patches? It’s not because they were constantly losing eyes in battles but because they had to move between the bright light above deck and the pitch-black darkness below deck. The human eye takes 10 to 40 minutes to adjust to the dark, so pirates would keep one eye attuned to the light and the other ready for the dark. Spiritually, doesn’t that sound familiar? Sometimes we do the same thing—switching our "spiritual eye patch" depending on what’s convenient. We walk in the light when it suits us but slip into the shadows when no one is looking.

As believers, we’re called to live differently. We’re not supposed to adjust between light and darkness based on what’s easiest in the moment. The Bible calls us to walk in the light – not just on Sundays or when life feels smooth – but every day. We’re not tourists visiting the light for a brief stay; we’re meant to make it our home. So, how often do we shift back and forth—walking with God in one moment and blending into the world the next?

But what does it mean to "walk in the light"? It’s more than just following a set of rules or doing the right thing when others are watching. To walk in the light means to live transparently before God, allowing his truth to guide us in everything we do. It means being honest with ourselves and others, aligning our lives with his Word, and letting his love shine through our actions. It’s living in a way that reflects who we are in Christ, not just when it’s easy, but all the time. Walking in the light is about walking in freedom—the kind of freedom that comes from knowing we are fully loved and accepted by God, and that we no longer have to hide in the shadows.

Are you adjusting your "spiritual eye patch" based on what’s convenient? Or are you fully walking in the light that God has called you to? Remember, we’re meant to live in his light daily, not just when it feels easy or right. Let’s drop the patch and embrace the freedom of walking in the light, consistently and fully.


Be intentional today about “walking in the light.” Think about your attitude, actions, and thoughts. Commit them to God and choose to reflect him.


Jesus, I don’t want to live with one foot in the shadows and the other in the light. Show me the areas where I’ve been hiding or compromising, and give me the strength to live boldly as your child. Guide my steps, words, and thoughts so that everything I do reflects you. In your name. Amen.

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