Daily Reading & Prayer

What’s Heaven Like

October 13, 2024


Revelation 21:4 "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."


Corrie ten Boom, who endured unimaginable suffering during World War II, often spoke of the hope she found in Jesus and the promise of Heaven. She once said, “You must keep looking to Jesus. He is your help. Heaven is your hope.” Corrie survived the horrors of a Nazi concentration camp, losing her family and witnessing the depths of human cruelty. Yet, through it all, her faith remained strong because she believed in the promise of Heaven. Revelation 21:4 offers a glimpse of that promise: God will wipe away every tear, and there will be no more death, mourning, or pain. For Corrie, Heaven wasn’t just a comforting idea—it was the lifeline that carried her through her darkest days.

When Jesus told his disciples, “I am going there to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2-3), He offered the same hope that anchored Corrie’s heart. Heaven is not a distant dream but a real home, personally prepared by Jesus for those who trust him. Heaven is where all our deepest longings will be fulfilled. For Corrie, Heaven meant healing from the unimaginable pain she had endured, a place where she would experience the fullness of God’s peace and love. Her faith, tested in the fires of suffering, pointed her to a reality far greater than anything she faced on earth.

Corrie’s story reminds us that, even in unimaginable pain, Heaven is the hope that sustains us. She once said, “There is no pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper still,” pointing to the truth that Heaven is not only a place of eternal rest but also a place where God’s love will be fully realized. Even after experiencing the worst life had to offer, Corrie looked forward to the day she would be with her Savior, where all wrongs would be made right, and suffering would be no more.

So, what is Heaven like? It’s the fulfillment of everything our hearts have longed for. It’s where the broken things of this world will be made whole, and where we’ll experience the fullness of God’s love, joy, and peace. Like Corrie, we can live each day with the hope of Heaven, knowing that whatever we face, the best is yet to come.


Thank God today for the hope of Heaven. If you are struggling today, remind yourself of his promise to wipe away all tears and sorrow. Share this hope with someone else who is having a difficult time.


Heavenly Father, help me to hold on to this hope, especially when life feels overwhelming. Remind me that no matter what I face, you have prepared a home for me, where I will experience your love and peace forever. Give me the strength to encourage others with this hope. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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