Daily Devotional

Who Would Jesus Vote For

November 4, 2024


John 3:17 “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”
Psalm 103:19 “The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.”


In a world where politics often dominate conversations and divide communities, it's easy to get caught up in figuring out where Jesus would fit. Would he endorse a political party or champion a particular candidate? But the truth is, Jesus didn’t come to take sides in political debates—he came to rescue sinners. As Luke 19:10 tells us, “The Son of Man came to seek and save the lost.” His mission wasn’t about building an earthly kingdom through politics but about saving people from the grip of sin and offering eternal life.

When we think about voting, the question isn’t “Who would Jesus vote for?” but rather “How can we vote in a way that reflects his heart?” Jesus came to rescue the broken, heal the hurting, and bring light to a dark world. He wasn’t concerned with gaining power or advancing policies but with changing lives through grace. As followers of Christ, our votes should be cast with that same purpose in mind: reflecting the values of his kingdom—love, mercy, justice, and truth.

While no political platform will perfectly align with everything Jesus stood for, we can make choices that best represent his heart. We should vote in a way that upholds the dignity of every person, cares for the marginalized, and promotes justice and truth. Jesus didn’t come to run for office—he came to save. As we make decisions in the voting booth, we are called to do so with his mission in mind: seeking the lost, rescuing sinners, and reflecting him in everything we do.

Ultimately, our vote is not about advancing an earthly agenda but about living out the call to love God and love others. Let's vote for platforms that best reflect Jesus’ mission of rescue, healing, and salvation—knowing that our ultimate hope is not in any candidate or policy but in the Savior who came to save us all.


Before you vote, take time to pray and ask God for wisdom. Ask him to align your decisions as closely as possible with his heart for the world.


Lord, thank you for being in control of all things. As I prepare to vote, give me wisdom to make choices that reflect your heart. Help me trust in your sovereignty, knowing that you are always in control no matter the outcome. Guide my actions to honor you and show love to others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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