Daily Devotional
Why Do You Worry?
March 6, 2025
Matthew 6:30-31 "If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’"
Worry has a way of creeping in, doesn’t it? One moment, life feels fine, and the next, your mind is racing. What if I don’t have enough? What if things don’t work out? What if I fail? The unknown is unsettling, and before you know it, worry wraps itself around your heart, squeezing out peace.
Jesus asks a simple but piercing question: Why do you worry? He points to the flowers in the field, clothed in beauty, and the birds of the air, fed without striving. If God takes such care of them, won’t he take care of you? It’s not a question of his ability but of our trust.
Worry tricks us into believing we have to hold everything together. It makes us think our security depends on our effort, our success, our control. But when we live that way, we miss the freedom Jesus offers. He’s not saying life will be easy or that we’ll never have needs. He’s reminding us that we have a Father who sees, knows, and provides—one who holds tomorrow, so we don’t have to.
George Müller, a man who cared for thousands of orphans, once said, “The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety.” Worry drains us, leaving us exhausted and still no closer to a solution. But trust shifts our focus from what we can’t control to the One who already holds it all.
So today, let go of the weight you were never meant to carry. Worry changes nothing, but trust changes everything. When you hand your burdens to the One who truly holds it all, you’ll find the peace you’ve been searching for all along.
Give your worries to God. In prayer, surrender those worries to him. Say, “God, I trust you with this,” and intentionally release control over what you can’t change.
Jesus, I surrender my worries to you, knowing that you see my needs and will provide for me. Help me to trust you more, to focus on today instead of fearing the future, and to rest in the truth that you are in control. Thank you for caring for me far more than I can comprehend. In your name. Amen.