Daily Devotional

Winter Work

December 29, 2024


Psalm 74:17 “It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; you made both summer and winter.”
Psalm 139:23-24 (ESV) “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!”


Have you ever heard of “rock picking”? It may sound strange, but for farmers in certain regions, it’s a yearly necessity. Each spring, as the frost melts, rocks mysteriously rise to the surface of the fields. Farmers call them “New England potatoes.” These stones must be painstakingly removed before planting can begin. It’s grueling, repetitive work, but without it, seeds wouldn’t thrive, and the harvest would be at risk.

Isn’t it amazing how this mirrors the winter seasons of our lives? Winter often feels barren and lifeless, a time when everything seems stuck or stagnant. But beneath the surface, something important is happening. Just as frost pushes rocks up from the soil, God uses quiet, reflective seasons to uncover the hidden burdens, sins, or struggles in our hearts. These “rocks” may be things we’ve ignored or buried, but they must be removed to make room for the new growth he desires.

Let’s face it—winter isn’t a season most of us enjoy. We long for spring’s renewal, summer’s warmth, and fall’s beauty. But winter slows us down. It’s uncomfortable, quiet, and still. It forces us to face the things we might rather avoid. Yet, it’s in this stillness that God does his most transformative work.

Like a farmer clearing stones from a field, God gently works through the soil of our hearts, removing anything that hinders us—fear, bitterness, pride, or doubt. He doesn’t do this to punish or burden us, but to prepare us for the life he wants to grow within us.

Rock picking may seem tedious, but it’s essential. Without it, the soil remains hard, and seeds can’t take root. Each conviction from the Holy Spirit is our loving Father’s hand guiding us, lifting our burdens, and revealing a better path. As we allow him to do this work, we prepare our hearts to receive his Word and experience his promises. Winter isn’t wasted—it’s the preparation for the harvest to come.


Take a quiet moment to pray, asking God to reveal any “rocks” in your heart—burdens, sins, or attitudes that may be hindering your spiritual growth. Write them down as he brings them to mind and surrender them to him in prayer.


God, I ask you to search my heart. Reveal the rocks that need to be removed—burdens, sins, or fears that are hindering my growth. Give me the courage to surrender them to you and trust in your work. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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